Make These Dietary Changes To Get A Healthy Glow During Durga Puja

The celebration of Durga Puja in India has utmost importance. It is a festival that is observed throughout the nation with utmost zeal. During this occasion, everyone tries to look their best and won’t it be better to have a natural glow rather than depending upon makeup, which could fade in some hours. The diet faults are the primary reason why one gets pimples, wrinkles and blemishes. By adopting some healthy food options, you can attain a glow that won’t easily fade away. If you desire to go for the natural way, then I, am Shreya Katyal a recognized Dietitian In Delhi can help you get that glow, through this blog.

Turmeric: Turmeric is undoubtedly a great Indian spice, which has multiple benefits for purifying the blood, strengthening bones and also for giving the glow to the skin. Add a pinch of this spice in lukewarm water and drink it every day early in the morning to reap all its benefits.

Papaya: Due to so many health and skin benefits, it can be said that Papaya is God’s own food. Eating papaya every other day can relieve in constipation problems and clear up your skin.

Beetroot: This red veggie is awesome and is loaded with vitamins and minerals. If you are wondering in what ways you can consume it, then you must try making raita out of it. Mix grated beetroot and cucumber with a bowl of curd and add a pinch of salt. Your red healthy raita will provide nourishment to body and give you an instant glow.

Want more diet-related tips? Get Online Diet Consultation from me at Diets & More. Here, I'll provide tips related to gaining and reducing fat and many more. Call me for further discussions.


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